Upcoming Events 2024

Nordic AI Infrastructure Forum  

The Nordic Data Center Associations are inviting our members to join our inaugural 'Nordic AI Infrastructure Forum' taking place in Stockholm on 13 November.

With speakers from NVIDIA, the Nordic Council of Ministers and data center operators we will explore the opportunities in utilizing AI and the importance of robust and sustainable infrastructure in the Nordics. 

Due to a limited amount of seats can Premium and Business members attend with 2 persons and Basic members with 1 person.

Date and time: 13:00-17:00 on 13 November, followed by networking reception

Location: Piperska Muren, Scheelegatan 14, 112 28 Stockholm

Register by emailing Fredrik Lindahl Last date to register 1 November

Previous events 2024

"An in-depth look at Big Science Sweden", Mike Olsson, Business Developer & Project Manager at Big Science Sweden , RISE, June 11 at 13.15

To further explore the potential of this collaboration, SweDCI is hosting an informative webinar on June 11 at 13.15. This event will provide an in-depth look at how Big Science Sweden operates, the benefits it offers, and how our members can maximize these opportunities.

The webinar will feature experts from Big Science Sweden who will share insights on accessing international research projects, navigating procurements, and building effective partnerships. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn how your organization can contribute to and benefit from the Big Science ecosystem.

We encourage all members to join us for this enlightening session and be part of the conversation that could shape the future of Swedish industry and research.

We look forward to seeing you at the webinar and embarking on this exciting journey together!

Join here

Generative AI will not run on thin air

Tor Björn Minde and Jon Summers will delve into the intricate energy costs associated with training and utilizing generative AI models, such as ChatGPT, which rely on data centers and edge nodes. The increasing computational demands necessitate the adoption of more efficient and sophisticated GPU/accelerator hardware, resulting in higher power consumption. Thermal management poses challenges, as traditional air cooling methods are inadequate, prompting data centers to explore liquid cooling solutions near the microelectronics. As future microelectronics are expected to generate higher heat fluxes while operating at lower temperatures, the viability of immersed cooling, direct-to-chip, or other liquid cooling derivatives in meeting heat removal requirements is questioned. These advancements serve as significant technical drivers influencing the design of various data center architectures.

See the recorded webinar here

Previous events 2023

The Nordic Datacenter associations are inviting the industry to join a webinar on June the 29th at 13.00 CET, on the upcoming European Energy Directive and its impact on the data center industry in Europe.

European Energy Directive and the impact on datacenter operators

Swedish Datacenter Industry Association together with its Nordic sister organizations arranged a webinar on the 29th of June regarding the European Energy Directive and the impact on datacenter operators.

View the webinar here

Webinar 8 May, 14.15 – 15.00 "Unlocking Opportunities through Flexible Energy Usage".

Swedish Datacenter Industry Association continue its webinar series. This time we are glad to welcome Mikael Holm, Global Sector Lead, datacenters, from Telia, who will guide us in the development of the flexibility to sell to the energy market from datacenters

We will share valuable insights with you about the significance of embracing flexibility in energy consumption. Not only does flexibility lower your company's electricity costs and contribute to sustainability efforts, but it also holds the potential for new revenue streams. An increasing number of businesses are now investing in battery storage to capitalize on the thriving frequency regulation market. As a bonus, these batteries offer a multitude of other benefits for your organization. 

See the recorded webinar here

Webinar 21 April, 13.15 – 14.00 "Data centers play an important role in the society. Do they use a lot of energy?"

Swedish Datacenter Industry continue our webinar series with a webinar regarding the Swedish Energy Agency's latest report has examined ways to monitor energy use from digitization. Our member organization, RISE, contributed two reports on energy consumption in data centers and cryptocurrency mining.

The findings, led by our very own board member Tor Björn Minde, reveal that data centers (expected to consume 2.8-3.2 TWh in 2022) play an important role, have an undeserved bad reputation and can successfully integrate with energy systems. A prediction of the energy use from data centers in Sweden points at 4.0-4.4 TWh in 2025 with all current building projects in operation.

See the recorded webinar here

Webinar 23 March, 13.00 - 14.00, "Sustainable Digital Infrastructure - Fact or Fiction?"

Keeping the same high pace, we at the Swedish Datacenter Industry now invite you to join up for our next webinar on sustainability issues - Sustainable Digital Infrastructure - Fact or Fiction?

In this webinar, led by well-known John Booth Carbon3IT, we will explore if digital infrastructure truly can be sustainable. John who is a Data Centre Energy Efficiency/Sustainability Consultant/Auditor will along with board member and Senior Advisor of Eco-DC Lars Schedin guide us through topics such as:

  • Will we achieve the EUs goal that Data Centres should be carbon neutral by 2030?
  • Will the current legislative activity be enough, or do we need something else?
  • How is Sweden addressing this strategically and in every-day business?
  • Will the intended measures satisfy the EU Commission in this regard?
  • What else can we in the Data Centre sector do?

See the recorded webinar here

Webinar 23 February, 13.00 - 14.00, "the CLOUD is not in the sky"

Datacenters are now as crucial to all infrastructure as roads, railways and airports. And with the ongoing green and digital transformation the need for datacenters will continue to increase. One of the focuses for our organization for 2023 will be to strengthen the image of datacenters in Sweden and the Nordic countries. But how do we as an organization, and you as a member company, show that datacenters are a crucial part of our society's growth? Especially at these times?

Fuel Cells - The race for the future power is on! January 19, 2023

As we all are aware of there are plenty of ways and plenty of work on how and through what we will fuel our data centers in the future. With one eye on energy efficiency and sustainability and one eye on being competitive and reliable, the data center industry will need to focus on several factors at once. And with data centers becoming more and more of a "basic industry" along with other such industries in Sweden - steel, timber and mining - we need to be up front in the R&D and adaptation of new ways to power our centers. Fuel cells is one of the key factors in the future of data centers and energy consumption.

See the recorded webinar here!

Previous events 2022

Everything you wanted to know about liquid cooling (but were afraid to ask)

November 14th 2022

Most of us have heard about liquid cooling and perhaps also something on
its implementation for us in the data center industry. But, what is it
really? How does it work and how can it be implemented in our business?
What are the benefits and what should we bear in mind when considering
implementing liquid cooling to our facilities?. 

See the recorded webinar here!

 Provider of future talents for the datacenter industry

 - Maria Welander , Utbildningsledare - Teknikhögskolan

October 13th 2022

On our webinar on October 13 Teknikhögskolan will present their two-year education aimed at providing staffing for our industry. You will have the chance to learn more and give input to Maria and Marina from Teknikhögskolan on what skills you are looking for in future employees.

If you are interested in learning more about the training or internship, please contact Maria Welander, Teknikhögskolan, 021-10 49 75 maria.welander@plushogskolan.se

The webinar will be held in Swedish.

See the recorded webinar here!

IT Infrastructure Security in turbulent times - Marcus Dahlman, Senior Security Consultant - Atea
September 8th 2022

For many people, 2022 has meant that we have realized that Sweden is also vulnerable to threats that are the effects of a troubled Europe. The proper approach to security is the key to survival.

In this webinar, Marcus will talk about well-known, but seldom used, practices and directives that have a direct and indirect impact on successful security work for our industry.

The webinar will be held in Swedish.

Se the recorded webinar here!. 

The importance of a robust data center EcoDC talk on physical security

MARCH 10th, 2022 

The geopolitical and security situation in Eastern Europe and in Europe as a whole has changed. In addition to that, we can state that more and more natural disasters have affected ourselves and our immediate area. No matter what happens in the future, the data center must continue to be the enabler for producing IT services. In this webinar we will highlight the importance of the physical security for a datacenter.
EcoDC talk on physical security
The starting point for our security work is the customer's need for protection of their digital assets. Part of this work involves physical security, which is part of a holistic systems approach to asset protection.
So, what do we mean by physical security?
How do we work with it?
And how can we develop it even further together with our customers?

Data centers & LCA - Life Cycle Assessment

Webinar: February 10, 2022

Stanislava Borisova will walk us through the values and advantages LCA can give the Datacenter environment.The number of data centers in the world is increasing due to increased use of digital services, such as teleworking, and this trend is expected to continue. But how sustainable are data centers? And how can we find out?This presentation provides an overview of LCA. The session explains what LCA is and the benefits and value it provides in a data center environment.

Swedish Data Center Day 2021

    The annual member mingle event

    This is a member event. 

    Let us know if you want to attend and become a member.

December 1

Datacenters a central part in the Community  

December 9

Green Data Centres - true or fake? 

    Join our webinar with Chris Bruderer next friday, 13..00 CET.
    Learn how to decide if green Data Centers are true green or just fake?

    Our society is today in the middle of a green hype, also impacting the Data Center industry.
    Higher demand for sustainable solution and new metrics is being considered. Many operators in all type of industries claims to be climate neutral or to be very green. At least that is what their marketing department want to make us believe.

November 19

Edge - The future datacenters!    

    • Are we ready in Sweden to develop these application?
    • Is our DC industry sector ready to deliver solutions for this new breed?
    • Do we know what to deliver, develop and operate?

    Join our data center industry association to follow the trends and discussion and the edge business that is developing!

    We are talking to Mark Acton about Edge DC, Mark Acton, Independent Data Centre Consultant.

 October 7

Hållbar datacenterutveckling - går tillväxten att förena med klimatmålen?

Sverige toppar de flesta Hållbarhets Index globalt, tillsammans med våra nordiska grannländer. Men;
- Vad gör politiken för att attrahera hållbara affärer till svensk datacenterindustri?
- Vad gör branschen för att fortsätta leda utvecklingen av hållbara erbjudanden?
- Hur kan vi i branschen tillsammans med politiken skapa ännu bättre förutsättningar för hållbar tillväxt?

Missade du debatten? Se den här!

September 8 

Microsoft: The world's most advanced and sustainable datacenter in Sweden!

Listen to Thèrese Treutiger, COO Microsoft, about why Sweden provides the most competitative conditions for data center establishments, and why it is so important to drive digital innovation. 

June 17

Data Centers and Digital Infrastructure as Green & GDP enabler

A macro view from People, Power, Pollution and Data center location.

     March 7